Customizing the logging utility files

The file configures the logging framework used by the Jazz® Team Server and the other IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) applications on z/OS systems.

There is a file included in each of the following application configuration directories, for each of the applications that you have installed and configured:
  • @confPath@/jts/
  • @confPath@/ccm/
  • @confPath@/qm/
  • @confPath@/rm/
  • @confPath@/gc/
  • @confPath@/relm/
  • @confPath@/dcc/

By default, the file can write Jazz Team Server and ELM application messages to the WebSphere® Application Server servant JOB log and to any additional files that are specified in the file. Use these additional log files in conjunction with the server job logs for problem determination.

The file is updated automatically by the BLZCP* jobs, but if you need to make additional changes, modify the line that begins with log4j.appender.file.File= so that it includes the value you are using for your Jazz Team Server and ELM applications @workPath@ directories. For example: