You can configure a build definition to create a new component
version and request that IBM®
UrbanCode Deploy run
an application process.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
- Create and run a Jazz® Build Engine.
- Locate the IBM
UrbanCode Deploy server
URI and request a user name and password.
- In IBM
UrbanCode Deploy,
define your application, environment, components, and processes.
- Test your deployment in IBM
UrbanCode Deploy to
resolve any issues before you request a process from a build.
- In the Eclipse client, in the Team Artifacts view,
expand the project folder.
- Right-click Builds; then click New
Build Definition.
- In the New Build Definition wizard,
on the New Build Definition page, accept the
default settings and click Next.
- On the General Information page, in
the Available build templates pane, select an
applicable template and click Next.
- Optional: If you use source control, on the Pre-build page,
select Jazz Source Control and click Next.
- On the Post-Build page, to configure
a deployment, select Post-build Deploy and
click Next.
- On the Additional Configuration page,
select any applicable options and click Finish.
- In the Build Definition editor, on
the Overview page, in the Supporting
Build Engines area, click Add.
- In the Add Build Engines window, select
the appropriate build engine and click OK.
- Click the Post-build Deploy tab.
- On the Post-build Deploy page, configure
the build definition to create a new component version and publish
files to it:
- In the Trigger Policy section,
select the appropriate options for triggering a post-build deploy.
- In the UrbanCode Deploy Server Information section,
enter the connection information.
Note: For a more secure
solution, create and refer to a password file on the build engine
computer. The password file can be secured with the file system's
- To verify the connection details, click Test
- In the Publish Artifacts section,
type the component version information.
Note: In addition
to publishing files to the component version, you can also publish
property values and links.
- Optional: If you selected the Jazz Source
Control option when you created the build definition, in the Properties
and Links fields, you can reference Rational Team Concert source
control properties such as team.scm.SnapshotUUID and team.scm.workspaceUUID.
- Optional: In the Process section,
request to run an application process that can deploy the files that
are published to the newly created component version.
Note: All errors are logged to the build log. To capture debug
information, set the team.udeploy.debug property
to true. To customize the label of the link
to the component version in the external links section of the build
result, define the team.udeploy.versionLinkLabel property
with the label value. The value can use the variables ${team.udeploy.component} and ${team.udeploy.version}.
To change the UrbanCode Deploy connection timeout (in seconds), set
the team.udeploy.timeout property.
- Click Save.