Excluding file elements from the exported data files

Errors or warnings can occur on files during export. You can exclude specific files from the exported data files and resolve the issues later.

About this task

The export command might report errors or warnings on specific files. For example, errors are reported when you do not have permission to read the file content.

To exclude files, use the following command:

ccc update ccase skipElement [ -d  |  --dataDir ] data directory [ --viewTags view tag [...]  |  --viewTagsFile view tags file ] [ [ -p  |  --filePath ] element paths file  |  element path [...] ]


  1. Run the command, ccc update ccase skipElement.
  2. Import the intermediate data without the specified file.
  3. Fix the problem in the element in Rational® ClearCase®.
  4. Run the export command and specify the file element path, rather than specifying the root of the path to export. You do not need to export the data from the beginning.
    Note: You must specify a different data output folder.
  5. Import the new intermediate data with the import command. When you run the command, specify the same stream and component as in the previous import, but add the -f  |  --folder ] file path option to specify the parent directory of the file element to ensure that the file is imported to the correct path.
  6. Optional: You can manually create a baseline of the stream component after the successful import. The previous step does not create a baseline.


ccc update ccase skipElement -d C:\ExportedData -p c:\filesToSkip.txt