Linking Node.js commits to work items

After you configure the integration, you can link Git commits to IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) work items.

Before you begin

About this task

The work item references are extracted from the commit comment (when the commits are pushed). The work item references use a specific format: the comment contains certain keywords followed by the work item numbers. The format is keyword wi-num.

The supported keywords are task, defect, bug, rtcwi, work item, and workitem. The following examples are text fragments that are valid work item references when they occur in commit comments:

fix workitem 123 and test
resolve bug 123


  1. Clone the Node.js repository by using the Git command line utility.
    Git clone <node.js repository url>
  2. Modify the file and stage it.
    Git add .
  3. Commit the changes.
    Git commit
  4. In the commit message editor, add the following text:
    Committing for work item 100.

    This comment will be visible in the work item linked to this commit. For more information, see the section on validating the link.

  5. Exit the editor.
  6. Push the changes to the branch.
    Git push
    The work item is updated with a link to the Git commit. For more information about linking commits to work items, see Associating work items with commits.