Share changes using the web client

This tutorial is a series of lessons in movie format that demonstrate how to use IBM® Engineering Workflow Management to create and share changes with your team.

Learning objectives

This tutorial demonstrates the following tasks:
  • Learning objective 1: Add files and folders to a stream.
  • Learning objective 2: Lock, download, and edit a file.
  • Learning objective 3: Create and edit a text file.

Time required

This tutorial takes approximately 15 minutes to view. If you want to study the procedures, user interface, and related concepts, plan to spend more time.

Skill level



This tutorial is designed for team members who use Engineering Workflow Management.

System requirements

For this tutorial, the following products are installed and configured:
  • Engineering Workflow Management
  • Jazz® Team Server


This is a "watch-and-learn" tutorial. There are no prerequisites to viewing this tutorial.