Installing Publishing Document Builder on WebSphere Liberty server

Installing IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing Document Builder on the WebSphere Liberty server involves installing new interim fixes to the installed software.


  1. Stop the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile server that has the Publishing Document Builder package by running one of the following commands:
    Option Description
    For example,
    C:\Program Files\IBM\DocumentBuilder\server\server.shutdown.bat
    For example,
  2. Back up the existing version of the Publishing Document Builder files.
    Copy the following files from Document_Builder_InstallDir\server\liberty\servers\clm:
    • jvm.options
    • server.env
    • server.xml
    • RPENG_DB and DGAAS_DB if derbydb is used as the database server
    Copy the following files from Document_Builder_InstallDir\server\liberty\servers\clm\conf:
    • Application.xml

    • basicUserRegistry.xml

    Copy the following files from Document_Builder_InstallDir\server:
    • server.startup.bat
    • liberty.start.bat if IBM Db2® , Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server is used as the database server
  3. Delete the rpeng.war and dgaas.war from Document_Builder_InstallDir\server\liberty\servers\clm\apps.
  4. Copy the rpeng.war and dgaas.war from the interim fix to Document_Builder_InstallDir\server\liberty\servers\clm\apps.
  5. Start the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile server, run one of the following commands:
    Option Description
    For example,
    C:\Program Files\IBM\DocumentBuilder\server\server.startup.bat
    For example,

What to do next

After the server starts, open the Publishing Document Builder home page. To verify that the interim fixes are successfully installed, click Help > About Publishing Document Builder and check whether the build ID is 20240605_2303.