Summary: Control access to project areas and their artifacts

By completing this tutorial, you learned how to adjust access control settings on project areas and how to restrict access to work items, work item categories, and source control artifacts.

Lessons learned

By completing this tutorial, you learned about the following tasks:
  • View the access control settings for a project area and understand the default setting.
  • Change the access control setting so that users who are not members of the project area hierarchy have access.
  • Create a work item category and associate it with a team area.
  • Restrict visibility to a work item category, and restrict access to work items that are filed against that category.
  • Create an access group that consists of a team area and specific users.
  • Add the Restricted Access presentation to the work item editor.
  • Control access to specific work items by changing values in the Restricted Access field.
  • Restrict access to streams and components to members of a team area.
  • Restrict access to folders and files under source control to a specific user.