Log file locations for the Requirements Management (RM) application

If you encounter errors or exceptions while you are using the Requirements Management (RM) application, you can use the generated log files to research the issues and find resolutions for them. The capabilities that are provided by the RM application are licensed as IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next (DOORS Next).

Requirements management server logging information

The log files in the RM application include rm.log and jts.log.

If you use IBM WebSphere® Application Server, the default rm.log file location is WebSphere Install Dir/profiles/AppSrv01/logs.

Note: For ELM version 7.0.2 SR1 iFix015 and later, the logging property file name and configuration parameters are changed because of the move to log4j2. For more information on the updates, see IBM Support portal.

The location of a log file is determined by the log4j.properties file in the JAZZ_HOME/log_file_name directory. The default setting for the JAZZ_HOME directory is log4j.appender.logfile.File=logs. For example, for the jts.log file, the default setting is log4j.appender.file.File=logs/jts.log.

The format of the log file is supported by IBM Tivoli® Log Analyzer. To analyze a log file, import the file into that tool.

For the location of log files for other applications and servers, see Log file locations