Lesson 11: Requesting a build

You have now successfully defined all of the steps to complete this tutorial. To request a build, perform the following steps:


  1. In the Team Artifacts view, select your build definition, right-click it to show the menu, then select Request Build.
  2. Click Submit on the Request Build panel.
  3. If a warning is displayed that states that the build engine does not seem to be processing requests, click OK to submit the request.
  4. In the Builds view, be sure that you periodically check the status of your build. Click Update to refresh the status view.
  5. When the build is completed, double-click the build result.
  6. Go to the Logs tab and double-click the log file.
    The Logs tab should contain the following files:
    • Two SYSPRINT.log files: One file contains the output from the COBOL compiler; the other contains the output from the link-editor.
    • build-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.log. This file contains the Rational® Build Agent build log.
  7. Look at the last lines of the Rational Build Agent log. If you see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message, you have successfully completed this tutorial.
  8. The Downloads tab of the build results should contain the following files:
    A properties file that contains all properties and their values used to perform this Ant with Enterprise Extensions build.
    An XML file that contains information about each file that the Ant with Enterprise Extensions build processed. Only those files associated with a language definition are included in this list.
    An XML file that contains operations that were requested of the file agent during this build.
    An XML file that contains Ant macros that were generated for use by this build. The contents of these macros are created based on values you specified in the language definitions associated with the files processed by this build.