Lesson 10: Configuring a build definition

Use the Ant with Enterprise Extensions– Rational® Build Agent template to define an Ant-based z/OS® build using the Rational Build Agent. In the build definition editor, perform the following steps to configure your build definition:

Before you begin

For more information about creating a build definition, see Creating a new Ant with Enterprise Extensions build definition.


  1. In the Team Artifacts view, expand your project folder.
  2. Expand the Builds node, right-click your build definition, and select Open Build Definition.
    The Build Definition editor opens.
  3. In the Build Definition editor, select the Overview tab.
    1. Optional: In the General Information section, briefly describe your build definition in the Description field.
    2. Select Ignore warnings when computing overall status.
    3. In the Supporting Build Engines field, click Create to create a build engine, Add to add one, or Remove to remove one.
    4. Optional: In the Pruning Policy section, select Prune build results, then set the number of successful and failed builds to save.
  4. Optional: Open the Schedule tab to set up automatic builds.
    1. Select Enabled, then Add to add a build to run automatically, or Remove to cancel an automatic build.
    2. In the Build time field, select either Continuous interval in minutes, then indicate that interval; or select At, and choose a time at which you want your automatic build to run.
    3. In the Build days field, choose the days of the week on which you want your build to run.
  5. Open the Properties tab to add or remove build definition properties. Click an item in the properties list to edit the build definition property on the Edit Build Property panel.
  6. Optional: Select the Job Output Publishing tab, then select Publish job output logs, so that outputs generated by compilers are attached to the build results. You can also select Publish only when an error occurred to reduce the attached job output logs.
  7. Select the Jazz Source Control - z/OS tab and click Select to select an existing workspace, or click Create to create a build workspace.
    Note: You should specify a dedicated build workspace for your build definition. See Dedicated build workspaces for more information. Also, be sure the visibility on your build repository workspace is such that the Jazz® user you configured for your Rational Build Agent has read access to the workspace.
    1. In the Load Options field, specify file extraction details like a load directory or a data set prefix. You can reference properties using this format: ${propertyName}.
    2. In the Accept Options field, specify whether to accept changes before loading, and whether to build if there are no changes.
  8. Select the Ant with Enterprise Extensions tab.
    1. In the Build File and Targets field, select Generate build file to generate a build file automatically from available language definitions. Use the Add, Remove, Up, and Down buttons to set the order of the language definitions to use in the build file. The order determines the order in which items are built.
      The generated build file, generatedBuild.xml, is attached to the build results on the Downloads tab.
    2. Optional: Instead of generating a build file, select Use an existing build file to specify a custom build file and build targets.
    3. Optional: Select Create build maps so that, after you build, you can review details about build inputs and outputs, repository address, workspace ID, resource prefix, load directory, and snapshot name.
      For more information, see Dependency build maps.
    4. Optional: Select Reuse ISPF Session for the translators with a call method that is ISPF command or EXEC.
      Note: Selecting the Reuse ISPF Session option is only intended for advanced use cases.
    5. Optional: In the BPXWDYN Options field, define any additional options you want to pass to the BPXWDYN interface, which you use to allocate data sets. The default value is MSG(1), which means that messages are directed to file descriptor 1, which is the build log file for all Ant with Enterprise Extensions and dependency builds. .
  9. In the Ant with Enterprise Extensions Configuration field, specify such details as the following:
    • Ant home. The default is the Ant in the Jazz build toolkit.
    • Ant arguments. The default is -verbose.
    • Working directory
    • Java™ home
    • Java VM arguments. The default is -Xquickstart.
    • Properties file
  10. Click Save.