Installing and configuring the Rational Build Agent on a z/OS system

This section describes how to complete the installation of the Rational® Build Agent a z/OS system.

The build agent executable file has been installed into @pathPrefix@/usr/lpp/jazz/v7.0.2/buildagent during the SMP/E installation. You must install FMID HRBA702 as part of the SMP/E package installation of IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) prior to completing these steps.

Refer to Installing and configuring Jazz Team Server and the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications on z/OS systems for information about the FMIDs that can be installed independently from each other. The SMP/E package is contained in a .zip file, along with the program directories. The program directories are also available on the web at IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management v7.0.2 program directories for z/OS (