You can configure TLS 1.2 between Distributed Cache Manager (DCM) and Message Queuing
Telemetry Transport (MQTT) broker in IBM®
Engineering Lifecycle Management
applications to improve the security of your deployment.
Configure MQTT Broker support secure connections, see Configuring security for an endpoint for instructions.
Import the certificate that is associated with the secure endpoint on MQTT Broker to
client_keystore.jks of DCM.
Include Java properties for TLS settings in the distributedCache.start.bat
file as follows:
Use the SSL protocol instead of TCP for MQTT broker address URL. Modify the
distributedCache.cfg file as follows:
# MQTT Broker to use for publishing counter information
broker = $E{MONITOR_MQTTBROKER,ssl://}
Update includeProtocols and excludeProtocols to limit the
allowed protocol to TLSv1.2 only in the distributedCache.cfg file as
keyStorePath = client_keystore.jks
keyStorePassword* = {HRAaRQoT}
excludeProtocols = SSLv3, TLSv1.1, TLSv1
includeProtocols = TLSv1.2
allowRenegotiate = false