Getting started with Rational DOORS

IBM® Rational® DOORS® is a requirements management tool that is used for capturing, tracking, analyzing, and managing user requirements.

How you get started with Rational DOORS depends on your type of installation. The initial steps to install, set up, and manage requirements in Rational DOORS are illustrated in the figure below.

This image shows the Rational DOORS
workflow. Click this area to get information about installing Rational DOORS Click this area to get information about Installing Rational DOORS Web Access Click this area to get information about Upgrading from a previous version Click this area to get information about setting up the database environment Click this area to get more information on configuring the Rational DOORS database Click this area to get more information on managing the Rational DOORS database server Click this area to get more information about managing and composing requirements in Rational DOORS Click this area to get more information on managing requirements with Rational DOORS Web Access

For more information about Rational DOORS, see Overview of Rational DOORS.

For more information about Rational DOORS Web Access, see Overview of Rational DOORS Web Access.