Viewing artifact history

You can view the history of most requirements artifacts. A revision is created each time that you save an artifact. Read-only revisions are organized by time period, such as today, yesterday, past week, past month, or earlier.

About this task

You can restore a previous revision of an artifact so that it becomes the current revision of the artifact, and view the details of the changes that were made to the artifact over time.


  • To view the history of an artifact:
    1. Open an artifact.
    2. In the editor toolbar, click Open Artifact, and then click the Open History Open History icon icon. A history view of the artifact opens on the Revisions tab. Each revision is represented by a revision Revision icon icon.
      Note: Revisions tab of a module only shows the baseline thumbnails, and not the module's revisions.
    3. To see details about a revision, hover over a revision icon in one of the time groups.
      Note: The revision history only shows changes that are relevant to the current configuration.
    4. To open a revision and view its contents, click a revision icon.
    5. After you finish, return to the artifact editor by clicking the Open Current Version Open Current Version icon icon.
  • To restore a previous revision of an artifact:
    1. Open the history of the artifact and click the Revisions tab.
      Note: You can only restore an artifact version while you are working in a stream.
    2. Click the revision icon that corresponds to the revision to restore.
    3. Click the Restore icon Restore icon.
    4. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.
      The history closes, and the artifact editor opens to show the revision that you selected. This revision is now the latest, or current, revision of the artifact.
  • To see a more detailed history of the changes that were made to the artifact, click the Audit History tab. This tab shows a complete history of changes that goes back to the creation of the artifact. Outgoing links are stored in the audit history while incoming links are not stored in the audit history. Scroll to the date you are interested in, and click it to see the details of the change. To return to the artifact, click Close History.