Mapping Contexts

You can use the mapping contexts feature for exchanging requirements between IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next and IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS .

About this task

You can use the mapping contexts feature to automatically map identical attribute or data types from DOORS into a single instance of each identical attribute or data type. This feature helps in removing or reducing type duplication when you import requirements in DOORS Next. You can create mapping contexts and use the contexts while importing or exporting ReqIF files.

Note: Feature artifact types are not included in the automatic mapping functionality.


  1. From the Administration menu Admin menu, click Manage Project Properties.
    Note: If configuration management is enabled for your project, on the Administration menu, click Manage Component Properties.
  2. Click the Mapping Contexts tab.
  3. Click New Context.
  4. Specify a name for the mapping contexts.
  5. Optional: Provide additional information as description.
  6. Click Save.
    You can view the mapping contexts in the Mapping Contexts list. You can apply the mapping context to an imported package. For more information, see Importing artifacts from ReqIF files to a requirements project or component.

    You can also use the mapping context to a subsequent export of the same package. For more information, see Exporting artifacts from a requirements project or component into ReqIF files.