Link constraints

Link constraints are rules that an administrator can set up to specify which kinds of links are allowed in a project or across projects. If no rules are created, all links are allowed. However, if you create rules, only the links in the rules are allowed.

After you create link rules, the options for creating links from context menu and in the Create Link window are affected by those rules.

In the following example, a single rule specifies that a Business Goal artifact has a Satisfies link to a Vision artifact:

New Rule window

Because this is the only rule in the project, no other links are allowed. If you are creating a link from a Vision artifact or Business Goal artifact, only the Satisfies and Satisfied By link types are available. No other link types are available from any other artifacts.

For example, if you create a link from a Business Goal artifact, only the Satisfies link type appears as a menu option:

Menu option for Add a Link to the Artifact

In addition, in the Create Link window, you can select only those artifact types that are allowed based on the initial artifact type and the selected link type, as shown in the following image:

Create Link window

In the Create Link window, you can also select certain components and artifact types based on defined link constraints, including the artifact types that contain a cross-component artifact type.