DOORS Next-Requirement

DOORS® Next Requirement
UI Element UI Field REST API Resource REST API Property Path XDC Resource XDC Data Mapping Table XDC Column Name Data Warehouse Schema Data Warehouse Table Data Warehouse Column FM Model Path FM Model Query Subject FM Model Query Item Description Sample Input Sample Output
DOORS Next Requirement N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ODS REQUIREMENT REQUIREMENT_ID Operational Data Store/Requirement Area/ Requirement Requirement ID Data warehouse generated requirement identifier N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ODS REQUIREMENT REQUIREMENT_CLASS_ID N/A N/A Classification ID Data warehouse generated requirement classification identifier N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ODS REQUIREMENT_CLASSIFICATION NAME N/A N/A Classification Name Data warehouse requirement classification name N/A N/A
Requirement Created On AllResources /collaboration/created Resources AllResources CreationTime ODS REQUIREMENT CREATION_DATE N/A N/A Creation Date N/A N/A N/A
Requirement N/A AllResources /about Resources AllResources UUID ODS REQUIREMENT EXTERNAL_ID N/A N/A External ID Requirement unique identifier based on the url N/A N/A
Requirement Identifier AllResources /identifier Resources AllResources Identifier ODS REQUIREMENT EXTERNAL_KEY1 N/A N/A External Key1 Requirement integer identifier N/A N/A
Requirement Artifact URI fragment AllResources /about (fragment) Resources AllResources URL (fragment) ODS REQUIREMENT EXTERNAL_KEY2 N/A N/A External Key2 Requirement unique identifier (artifact uuid) N/A N/A
Requirement N/A AllResources /deleted Resources AllResources IsDeleted ODS REQUIREMENT ISSOFTDELETED N/A N/A Is Deleted N/A N/A N/A
Requirement Customer Priority AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@literalName Resources AllResources LiteralName / Value for enumeration / non-enumeration (if AttrName == 'Customer Priority') ODS REQUIREMENT CUSTOMER_PRIORITY N/A N/A Customer Priority Predefined attribute for requirements N/A N/A
Requirement Difficulty AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@literalName Resources AllResources LiteralName / Value for enumeration / non-enumeration (if AttrName == 'Difficulty') ODS REQUIREMENT DIFFICULTY N/A N/A Difficulty Predefined attribute for requirements N/A N/A
Requirement Priority AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@literalName Resources AllResources LiteralName / Value for enumeration / non-enumeration (if AttrName == 'Priority') ODS REQUIREMENT PRIORITY N/A N/A Priority Predefined attribute for requirements N/A N/A
Requirement Requirement State AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@literalName Resources AllResources LiteralName / Value for enumeration / non-enumeration (if AttrName == 'Requirement State') ODS REQUIREMENT REQUIREMENT_STATE N/A N/A Requirement State Predefined attribute for requirements N/A N/A
Requirement Stability AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@literalName Resources AllResources LiteralName / Value for enumeration / non-enumeration (if AttrName == 'Stability') ODS REQUIREMENT STABILITY N/A N/A Stability Predefined attribute for requirements N/A N/A
Requirement Status AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@literalName Resources AllResources LiteralName / Value for enumeration / non-enumeration (if AttrName == 'Status') ODS REQUIREMENT STATUS N/A N/A Status Predefined attribute for requirements N/A N/A
Requirement Modified On AllResources /collaboration/modified Resources AllResources ModificationTime ODS REQUIREMENT REC_DATETIME N/A N/A Last Updated N/A N/A N/A
Requirement Name AllResources /title Resources AllResources Name ODS REQUIREMENT NAME N/A N/A Name N/A N/A N/A
Requirement N/A AllResources /collaboration/creator/alternative Resources AllResources CreatorUUID ODS REQUIREMENT OWNER_ID N/A N/A Owner ID The data warehouse id for the requirement creator N/A N/A
Requirement N/A AllResources /location/project/about Resources AllResources ProjectUUID ODS REQUIREMENT PROJECT_ID N/A N/A Project ID The data warehouse id for the requirement project N/A N/A
Requirement Project N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ODS PROJECT NAME N/A N/A Project Name N/A N/A N/A
Requirement Identifier AllResources /identifier Resources AllResources Identifier ODS REQUIREMENT REFERENCE_ID N/A N/A Reference ID Requirement identifier N/A N/A
Requirement Type AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/@name Resources AllResources TypeName ODS REQUIREMENT REQUIREMENT_TYPE N/A N/A Requirement Type N/A N/A N/A
Requirement Created By N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ODS RESOURCE NAME N/A N/A Responsible Name Requirement creator N/A N/A
Requirement URL AllResources /about Resources AllResources URL ODS REQUIREMENT URL N/A N/A URL N/A N/A N/A


Version Updates

Primary Text AllResources /primaryText Resources AllResourcesPT PrimaryText ODS REQUIREMENT_PTEXT PTEXT N/A N/A Primary Text Requirement contents; only available if primary text loading is enabled for the ETL N/A N/A