DOORS Next Attribute Enumerations

UI Element UI Field REST API Resource REST API Property Path XDC Resource XDC Data Mapping Table XDC Column Name Data Warehouse Schema Data Warehouse Table Data Warehouse Column FM Model Path FM Model Query Subject FM Model Query Item Description Sample Input Sample Output
DOORS® Next Attribute Enumerations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Requirement N/A AllResources /about Resources AllResources UUID CALM RQRMENT_ENUMERATION REQUIREMENT_ID Operational Data Store/Requirement Area/ Requirement Enumeration Requirement ID Data warehouse id for the associated requirement N/A N/A
Attribute Type AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@datatype Resources AllResources Datatype CALM RQRMENT_ATTRDEF DATATYPE N/A N/A Datatype The application specific type N/A N/A
Attribute N/A AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@itemId Resources AllResources ItemId CALM RQRMENT_ATTRDEF IDENTIFIER N/A N/A Extension Type ID The application type identifier N/A N/A
Attribute Name AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@name Resources AllResources AttrName CALM RQRMENT_ATTRDEF NAME N/A N/A Extension Type Name The application type name N/A N/A
Attribute N/A AllResources /deleted Resources AllResources IsDeleted CALM RQRMENT_ENUMERATION ISSOFTDELETED N/A N/A Is Deleted N/A N/A N/A
Attribute Literal value AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@literalName Resources AllResources LiteralName CALM RQRMENT_ENUMERATION LITERAL_NAME N/A N/A Literal The literal value for the enumeration N/A N/A
Attribute N/A AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/customAttribute/@literalId Resources AllResources LiteralID CALM RQRMENT_ENUMERATION EXTERNAL_ID N/A N/A Literal ID The literal unique identifier N/A N/A
Requirement Project AllResources /location/project/about Resources AllResources ProjectUUID CALM RQRMENT_ENUMERATION PROJECT_ID N/A N/A Project ID The data warehouse id for the project of the associated requirement N/A N/A
Requirement Type AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/@name Resources AllResources TypeName CALM RQRMENT_TYPE NAME N/A N/A Requirement Type The type of the associated requirement N/A N/A
Requirement N/A AllResources /collaboration/attributes/objectType/@itemId Resources AllResources TypeItemID CALM RQRMENT_TYPE IDENTIFIER N/A N/A Requirement Type ID The unique identifier of the requirement type for the associated requirement N/A N/A