Error occurs during project template creation for a large project

If an error occurs when you try to create a project template, you can resolve the error by using one of the following solutions:

Problem: Project templates have a default size limit. If you try to create a project template that exceeds the limit, a processing error occurs.

The default size limit for project template creation is approximately 10,000 artifacts, although that number varies based on the product version. You can override the default limit by placing the server in debug mode.

To place the server in debug mode, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a JazzAdmin user and then go to https://host:port/rm/admin.
  2. Select Advanced Properties.
  3. Find the debug.enabled property.
  4. Change the property's value to true.
  5. Click Update Property.
  6. Create the project template.
  7. Disable debug mode for the server by repeating steps 1 - 3. Then, change the value of the debug.enabled property to false.

Problem: Project templates have a maximum permissible file size of 1 GB. If you try to create a project template that exceeds the 1 GB size limit, following message is displayed in the server log file CRRRS4289E: The project template is too large..

Create a template with fewer resource types selected and delete any unnecessary large wrapper resources such as compressed files, Visio files, Photoshop files, and then try creating the template again.
Note: Before you create the template, remove large files from the project.