Reusing artifacts in modules
Artifacts can be reused in multiple contexts in a project, including collections and modules. You can edit artifact content in a module or by opening the artifact outside the module. Content changes are reflected in all contexts. Links, tags, and comments are specific to the context in which they are created. If you want links, tags, and comments to reflect in all contexts, edit the artifact outside the module as a base artifact.
About this task
To reuse artifacts in a module, you can add existing artifacts to a module or create new artifacts in the module. You can also reuse an artifact by copying it from one module and pasting to another module. You can also select and insert an existing artifact from another module into a module. The base artifact is reused and added to the module.
When you work with an artifact outside a module, you are working with the base artifact.
After you add or create artifacts in modules, you can work with the artifacts in the module or on the Artifacts page. Changes to the artifact name, content, attributes are reflected in all contexts: in the base artifact and in all modules that include the artifact.
Viewing artifacts in a module that are reused in other modules: