Linking to development, design, test, and requirement artifacts

You can use the IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management product integration and other OSLC lifecycle integrations to create traceability links to new and existing artifacts in other products.

You can link from collections, modules, saved module views, and other individual requirements artifacts to development, models and designs, and test artifacts.

You can link requirements artifacts to requirements in IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® modules and in other IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next applications. After creating links, you can display a summary of the linked artifact or navigate to the artifact. You can also add a widget to your dashboard to monitor the status of linked artifacts.

Tip: You can also create links by dragging an artifact and dropping it on the link icon of another artifact, as shown here:
drag and drop

Before you begin

The product integration must be configured before you can perform this task.

About this task

As you link collections, modules, and individual artifacts to development and test artifacts, the link types define the traceability relationships. In Engineering Lifecycle Management, requirement artifacts are located in the DOORS Next application, development artifacts are located in the Change and Configuration Management application, and test artifacts are located in the Quality Management application. The traceability relationships between DOORS Next and the other applications are described in the following graphic.
Represents how requirements are implemented by development artifacts, associated with designs, and validated by test artifacts.

Typically, groups of requirements are organized in collections or modules for review, approval, and management purposes. For example, the high-level requirements that constitute the project vision are often grouped in a single collection or module. The requirements analyst, project manager, or development manager links the collection or module to a development plan in the Engineering Workflow Management application. The development manager can generate plan items from the each of the requirements in this collection or module. The test manager links the same collection or module to the test plan for the project. The test manager can generate high-level test cases from the each of the requirements in this collection or module.

High-level requirements are then elaborated by detailed requirements and associated artifacts, such as business process diagrams, use cases, user interface sketches. Detailed requirements can be grouped in collections or modules, and linked to the development plan and test plan. Plan items and test cases can be generated for each artifact in the linked collection or module. Individual requirements and artifacts can also be linked directly to work items, test cases, software and systems models and designs.

You can also create links between DOORS Next application artifacts and objects in external DOORS Next applications, such as DOORS or other installations of DOORS Next applications in Engineering Lifecycle Management, to reference related requirement artifacts in both tools.

For a chart of all cross-application linking types for the DOORS Next application, see Links across OSLC domains.

What to do next

To add a widget to your project dashboard to monitor the status of the Engineering Lifecycle Management links, see Project dashboards.