Using the advanced import option

About this task

You can use the advanced import option to import artifacts from ReqIF files to your requirements project or component. The following steps describe the procedure of using the advance import option.


  1. Open a requirements project or component.
  2. On the Artifacts page, click Create and click Import Artifact.
  3. In the Import wizard, select the Import requirements from a ReqIF file (Advanced) checkbox and then click Next.
    Note: You can upload a package (compressed file) that contains multiple .reqifz files. If you use the Import requirements from a ReqIF file (Advanced) option wizard to import the package, the import settings apply to all files in the package.
  4. Select the file to import and click Upload. After the file is uploaded, detailed information for each uploaded ReqIF file is available. You can see a summary of the package and ReqIF files, and view how many specifications, artifacts, types, and attributes are in the uploaded package. Click Next to continue the import. To view the import report, click Analysis Results. The analysis report shows information about these types of errors if they occur in an incoming ReqIF package:
    • A specification hierarchy in a specification points to a specification object that isn't in the package.
    • An attribute definition points to a data type that doesn't exist in the package, or the types of both are mismatched.
    • A specification object value points to an attribute definition that doesn't exist in the package, or the types of both are mismatched.
  5. Optional: Specify the following import options for the import:
    1. To select the location to which to import the new module files, select the Choose location for new modules checkbox and specify the location.
    2. To add new artifacts that are not in a module hierarchy in the selected module, select the Place new artifacts with no module hierarchy in a module checkbox.
    3. To restrict the creation of artifacts, clear the Allow artifact creation checkbox in the Advanced Import Options section of the page.
    4. To prevent artifacts in modules from being moved to other modules, clear the Allow artifact move (within modules) checkbox.
    5. To prevent modifications to artifact types, clear the Allow modification of existing artifact types checkbox. This option prevents changes to the title, description, and RDF URI of all the artifact types.
    6. To prevent modifications to attribute definitions, clear Allow modification of existing attribute definitions checkbox. This option prevents changes to the title, description, and RDF URI of all the attribute definitions.
    7. To prevent changes to the title, description, and RDF URI of all the data types, clear the Allow modification of existing data types checkbox.
    8. Click Next.
  6. Select the specifications to import to the current project or component and click Next. If you hover over a specification in the import wizard, a preview window shows the details of the specification and the artifact types in it.
  7. If mapping context is not specified, select the attributes to import and click Next. You can select either all attributes or specific attributes. After you specify the advanced import options, the ReqIF file is imported. You can view the status of the import on the Importing Requirements page.


Artifacts get successfully imported from ReqIF files from your system to a requirements project or component.

You can watch the below video, to learn more about Data migration from DOORS® to the DOORS Next application: