Importing and exporting ReqIF files

Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF) files are XML files that you can use to exchange requirements and associated metadata between requirements tools or requirements repositories. For example, you can exchange data between IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® (DOORS) and IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next (DOORS Next). When the exchange is finished, a report is generated that shows the data that was imported or exported. Using ReqIF to migrate multiple components or a single component with multiple streams from one environment to another is not supported. The supported method to migrate a repository to a new environment is Server Rename. If you want to migrate a partial Requirements Management repository to another environment, you need to consider engaging IBM Expert Labs, or an IBM Business Partner to explore options that comprise of custom utilities in addition to ReqIF.

About this task

You can import or export data to and from a requirements project or component by using ReqIF (.reqif or .reqifz) files. Exporting and importing data back into the original requirements project or component is also supported. You can export data from a requirements project or component, to another requirements project or component. On making changes to the data, you can import the data back into the original requirements project or component. For example, you can export objects to a ReqIF file from DOORS and then import that file into DOORS Next. You can change attribute values, export the artifacts to a ReqIF file, and then import that file back into DOORS. If you import a ReqIF file into DOORS Next after you already imported or exported the data, the data is merged and updated.

  • In DOORS Next, you can specify write restrictions on attributes in a ReqIF definition from the ReqIF properties tab. The write restrictions are used while exporting data to a DOORS repository, and enables the DOORS repository to merge the imported data.
  • You can restrict or lock attributes while exchanging requirements between DOORS Next and DOORS version 9. If you specify the attributes as locked in the definition, they are locked on the DOORS side of the ReqIF exchange and this enables the DOORS ReqIF merge algorithm to correctly update attribute content. The feature does not add locks of any kind to the exporting DOORS Next repository.

If the ReqIF packages contains attributes and types associated with a workflow in DOORS Next, these associated attributes and types are supported during the export process of the package, but are ignored during the import process.

For information about supported and restricted data, see Importing artifacts from ReqIF files to a requirements project or component and Exporting artifacts from a requirements project or component into ReqIF files.

After you import or export a ReqIF package, a report is automatically generated. Information in the reports is grouped by module. Any artifacts that are not in a module are listed separately in the reports. The following information is included in the reports:
  • For each module, the report displays attribute definitions, artifact types, and artifacts.
  • The summary, data types, artifact types, links, and folder for a specific import or export of a ReqIF package are displayed at the root level.
  • Artifact types are displayed at both the root level and the module level. Artifact types for the root level are specific to the ReqIF package and artifact types for the module level are specific to that module.

For information about moving the contents of a server, such as moving a pilot deployment to a production server or moving a production deployment to a different server, see Supported scenarios for using server rename. The server rename operation moves all existing projects or component and artifacts from one deployment to another. The operation does not support a selected project or component move function; that is, you cannot move only selected projects or components when you rename a server.