Modifying the features of a swimlane

The Features window enables you to change the features of a swimlane, including its name and description.

About this task

A swimlane has the following features:

  • Name specifies the name of the element. The default name is swimlane_n, where n is an incremental integer starting with 0. Add any additional information using the Description tab.
  • L specifies the label for the element, if any. For information about creating labels, see Adding, displaying, and removing element labels.
  • Stereotype specifies the stereotype of the swimlane, if any. They are enclosed in guillemets, for example «s1» and enable you to tag classes for documentation purposes. For information about creating stereotypes, see Defining stereotypes.
    • To select from a list of current stereotypes in the project, click the Select Stereotype button Select Stereotype button.
    • To sort the order of the stereotypes, click the Change Stereotype Order button Change Stereotype Order button.
      Note: The COM stereotypes are constructive; that is, they affect code generation.
  • Represents specifies the class to which the swimlane applies.