Adding initial connectors

An initial connector leads into the state (or substate of an Or state, or component of an And state) that is to be entered by default. Each Or state must designate one of its substates as the default for that state. The default state is indicated using an initial connector, of which there can be only one per Or state. The initial connector target must be a substate of the Or state to which it belongs.

About this task

The initial connector cannot have a trigger or a guard, although it can have an action. It might connect to a condition connector after which there might be guards.

Each state can have the following properties:

  • Entry action where an expression executed upon entrance to the state (uninterpreted by Rhapsody® ). An uninterpreted expression is resolved by the compiler, not by the tool.
  • Exit action where an expression executed upon exit from the state (uninterpreted by Rhapsody ).
  • Static reactions where actions performed inside a state in response to a triggering event/operation. The reaction can be guarded by a condition. A static reaction does not change the active state configuration.

    The state executes static reactions if:
    • The state is part of the active configuration.
    • The trigger and guard are satisfied.
    • A lower-level state has not already responded to the trigger.
    • There is no active transition that causes the state to be exited.
  • Default entry
  • History
Note: When a state contains an entry action, exit action, or static reaction, an icon Icon that appears on state if state contains an entry action, exit action, or static reaction displays on the state. This icon can be used to toggle the display of these actions in the state.