Requirements analysis

The first phase in system engineering is requirements analysis. This is an iterative process, and continues as more specific requirements become clear.

Requirements analysis workflow
  • Systems engineers
Required tasks:
  • Analyzing stakeholder requirements
  • Deriving system requirements and use cases from stakeholder requirements.
  • System use case
  • System use case diagram
  • Stakeholder requirements specification
  • System requirements specification

The first phase in system engineering is requirements analysis. Before requirements analysis, project team leads ask everyone who has a vested interest in the system design (commonly known as stakeholders) to communicate the business needs they want the system to accommodate. These business needs typically originate from client and customer requests. After all requirements are gathered, they are compiled into source documents and reviewed for clarity so that all stakeholders and other project team members understand them. Use cases are then derived from the requirements. Then, links are established so that each requirement is covered by at least one use case. When the project team completes this workflow, they can begin the functional analysis phase.