Lesson 3: Implementing SWC by using RIMBOs

You can implement an atomic SWC type using Rhapsody Implementation Objects (RIMBOs).

About this task

To implement an atomic SWC type do the following:


  1. Create a SWC implementation diagram under an ARBMT package. Right-click on the package, and select Add New > Diagrams > SWCImplDiagram.
  2. Drag the SWC type to be implemented into the diagram.
  3. Drag a RIMBO from the toolbox inside the SWC type box.
  4. Type the RIMBO by an existing RIMB.
  5. Connect the ports on the SWC type to ports on the RIMB with the connectors from the toolbox.
    • Use data connectors to connect sender/receiver ports
    • Use service connectors to connect client/server ports
    Note: Several RIMBOs may be placed and connected inside a given SWC type. AUTOSAR interface elements and implementation block interface elements are matched according to names. Therefore, when an AUTOSAR port connects to a implementation block port, an element in the interface for an AUTOSAR port is matched to an element in the interface for the implementation block according to the names of those elements.
    Restriction: You can place and connect several implementation block objects inside a given software component type, but not between each other.

    RIMB implementation code structure depends on the Internal-Behavior tag: “SupportMultipleInstamtiation”. When the tag “SupportMultipleInstantiation” is “False”, RIMB will not use context pointers (“me”, “self”). Generating RIMB as a singleton or file, for example, not generating a struct and not having “me” “self” pointers.

    When the tag “SupportMultipleInstantiation” is “True”, RIMB will use context pointers (“me”, “self”):
    • Encapsulate data in the C-structure of the RIMB

    • Have “me” argument for all operation except ActiveOperation

    • Have “Rte_Instance self’ parameter with the following operations:

      • User model operations

      • Statechart dispatchEvent & takeEvent operations

      • Triggered operations

      • Active operations

        Add code in the beginning of each Active Operation, to extract the “me” pointer from the “Rte_Instance self” parameter, by calling Rte_PIM API

      • ARBMT accessor helper operation

      • mxf RiCReactive operations: RiCReactive_consumeEvent, RiCReactive_takeEvent, RiCReactive_takeTrigger, runToCompletion

    • No RIMBO data/instance declaration

    • No RIMB_Init operation

    • Integrator must call the <RIMB-class>_Init, <RIMB-class>_startBehavior

    • Create ARXML definition for the RIMB PIM under the InternalBehavior

    • Create a related typedefs in generated code

    • The code can have circular dependency on types, as a result of the Specification of the RTE specifications. Those will have to be manually handled by the integrator.

    • The “Rte_Instance self” parameter is not added to Statechart “entDef” operations

    • Optimized Statechart is not supported

    • All Runnable Entities must be in Run in Exclusive Area mode

    • A RIMB can type only a single RIMBO
    • All elements related to the implementation of one Atomic SW/C, RIMB, RIMB Interfaces, and so on, must be in separate packages, and not mixed with those related to another Atomic SW/C
    Related new properties:
    • C_CG::Operation::OSContextName

    • C_CG::Operation::OSContextDeclType

    • C_CG::Operation::ActiveOperationExtractMeCall