AutomotiveC profile

The AutomotiveC profile automatically loads the MicroC profile, which contains code-generation capabilities designed for static systems. In a project with this profile, you can create an architecture diagram in which you specify the architecture for your automotive project

About this task

You can use drawing tools that you typically see in a class or object model diagram, and also the architect diagram has drawing tools for flow ports and network ports. The AutomotiveC profile also includes a number of features intended specifically for the automotive projects, such as:
  • Automotive-specific adapters, based on the user of configuration-level stereotypes
  • Simulink and block integration capabilities
The integration of the AutomotiveC profile with Simulink S-functions can be either to have the:
  • Rhapsody® model run inside a Simulink model, or
  • Simulink model run inside a Rhapsody model.
If you use a Simulink model embedded in a Rhapsody model, then you can use the Simulink S-functions.
Note: Rhapsody allows you to integrate MathWorks Simulink models into Rhapsody designs. MathWorks Simulink models are represented as "Simulink blocks" in the UML model, and these blocks can interact with Rhapsody objects/parts or other Simulink blocks.

Rhapsody can be used to create Simulink S-functions that can then be plugged into Simulink models. To start working with the AutomotiveC profile S-function, you can use the StopWatch from the Rhapsody installation directory: ...\Samples\CSamples\StopWatch.