Defining non-atomic flow ports

Non-atomic flow ports are available only in models that use the SysML profile.

About this task

Non-atomic flow ports can transfer a list of flow properties (a flow specification), which can be made up of flow properties of different types. For each flow property in the list, you indicate the direction of the flow. (Non-atomic flow ports are bi-directional.)


To define the flow properties to be sent/received through the flow port:

  1. Create a flow specification.
  2. Add flow properties to the flow specification. This can be done using the relevant browser pop-up menu, or directly on the FlowProperties tab of the Features window for the flow specification. You can also use drag-and-drop in the browser to add existing flow properties to the flow specification. (If you want to use an existing attribute, you can convert the attribute to a flow property by selecting Change To > FlowProperty from the attribute pop-up menu.)
  3. For each of the flow properties defined, specify the direction.
  4. Create two objects and add a flow port to each.
  5. In the Features window for each of the two flow ports (the sending and receiving), set the Type to the name of the flow specification you created previously.
  6. For one of the flow ports, open the Features window and select the Reversed check box on the General tab
  7. Connect the two flow ports with a link.