Window layouts in Rhapsody

With Rhapsody, you can work on multiple windows and customize the layout by docking the windows based on your needs.

With the window layout feature, you can do the following tasks:

Create window layouts

With the window layouts feature, you can use predefined window layouts or create one of your own. To create the window layouts, you can move the windows to the desired places with in the Rhapsody application and save the layouts by clicking Window > Save Window Layout or Ctrl+Alt+S. You can create and save as many layouts as you want in Rhapsody and manage them. You can find the window layouts in the Apply Window Layout menu.
Note: The menu and toolbar customization in a window is consistent throughout all the window layouts. You cannot set different window customization to different layouts.

Apply window layout

You can apply the preexisting window layouts by using the Apply Window Layout menu. To apply one of the saved or imported window layout to your Rhapsody application, click Apply Window Layout in the Window menu. Click and choose from the windows layouts that are listed in the Apply Window Layout menu. You can also use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+alt+serial number of the layout to use one of the window layouts in the list.
Note: Keyboard shortcuts work for only the first 10 window layouts in the list. To use keyboard shortcut for a window layout, reorder the list of window layouts in Apply Window Layout menu by using Manage Window Layout and move your layout to the first 10 layouts in the list.
For example, use Ctrl+alt+0 to use the first layout in the list.

You can update the existing window layout and save it as a new window layout. You can see only the first 100 saved layouts in the Apply Window Layout menu. Hence, to make your layout visible in the list in the Apply Window Layout menu, reorder the list to make your layout in first 100.

Manage window layouts

You can update the order, delete, or rename the saved window layouts using Manage Window Layout feature. From the Window menu, click Manage Window Layout or Ctrl+Alt+M to manage the window layouts. You can see the list of saved layouts and the following list controls in the Manage Window Layouts dialog:
Move Up
From the list of the saved layouts, select the layout that you want to move up in the list and click Move Up.
Move Down
From the list of the saved layouts, select the layout that you want to move down in the list and click Move Down.
From the list of the saved layouts, select the layout that you want to rename and click Rename.
From the list of the saved layouts, select the layout that you want to delete and click Delete.
From the list of the saved layouts, select the layout that you want to export and click Export. The exported files have the same format as the file used with Save Window Layout operation.
To import a saved window layout from a file click Import. From the file selection dialog, select the layouts that you want to import. The file is imported to the Saved Window Layout location that is $USER_SHARE\Window Layouts. To apply the imported window layout, perform the Apply Window Layout operation.

Reset window layout

You can reset the window layout to the default layout in Rhapsody . To reset the window layout to default, click Reset Window Layout in the Window menu. This feature removes all the layout customization from the current window and opens a default layout.