Modifying the features of links in object model diagrams

The Features window enables you to change the features of a link, such as the association being instantiated by the link.

About this task

The title bar is in the form:

Link: [end1 instance](end1 role name)-[end2 instance] (end2 role name)

For example, a(itsA)-b(itsB).

A link has the following features:

  • Name specifies the name of the link.
  • L specifies the label for the element, if any. For information about creating labels, see Adding, displaying, and removing element labels.
  • Stereotype specifies the stereotype of the link, if any. They are enclosed in guillemets, for example «s1» and enable you to tag classes for documentation purposes. For information about creating stereotypes, see Defining stereotypes.
    Note: The COM stereotypes are constructive; that is, they affect code generation.
  • Association specifies the association being instantiated by the link.

    You can specify a link without having to specify the association being instantiated by the link. Until you specify the association, this field is set to <Unspecified>.

    If you select <New> from the list, Rhapsody creates a new, symmetric association based on the data (its name and multiplicity) for the link. Once you specify an association for the link, you cannot change the role name or multiplicity for the link (the corresponding fields of the Features window are unavailable).

    To change the features of an association of which the link is an instantiation, you must open the Features window of the association itself. Any changes you make to the association are instantly applied to links that are instantiated from it.
  • End1 and End2 specifies the two ends of the link, including:
    • Name means the name of the link.
    • Multiplicity means the multiplicity of the link.
    • Via Port means the port used by the link, if any. This field is a read-only.
  • Description describes the element. This field can include a hyperlink. For more information, see Using project units.