Names of classifier roles

A classifier role (instance line) with a class name is a view of the class in the model. An instance line with an instance name (of the form instance:class) is also a view of the class in the model.

Instance lines reference classes in the model. If you rename an instance line to another class name that exists in the model, the line acts as a view to the other class in the model. If the class does not exist, Rhapsody® will create it.

Note: The names for instance lines are resizable text frames. Text wraps to match the contour of the bounding box.

If you specified analysis mode, the product names the instance line role_n by default and does not prompt you for class information. The following figure shows a new instance line in an analysis sequence diagram.

Sequence diagram showing new instance line

If you specified design mode, the product names the instance line :class_n by default. If the specified class does not exist, Rhapsody asks if you want to create it. The following figure shows a new instance line in a design sequence diagram.

Classifier role names are animated when their expression can be mapped to an existing object.


We have a class A and an object a:A who is the only object of A. All the following names will be mapped to it:

  • :A
  • a:A
  • A[0]:A
  • A[#0]:A

Suppose that instead of a:A, we have a single instance of A as a part itsA of another object b:B.

The instance line can be named as:

  • :A
  • b->itsA:A
  • B[0]->itsA:A
  • A[#0]:A
  • B[#0]->itsA->a:A