Creating extended table layouts for mapping tables

Use an extended table layout to define a mapping table. A mapping table displays model elements that are defined as mapping elements. This type of extended table layout might be useful for very large models.

The procedure for creating an extended table layout is the same as creating a regular table layout, except for those steps that are specifically for creating an extended table layout for a mapping table, which is what is covered here.

About this task

The extended table layout feature is available out-of-the-box for projects created with the AUTOSAR_31, AUTOSAR_40, and MicroC profiles. To make this feature available for other model types, add the ExtendedTableCapabilities profile ($OMROOT\profiles\MicroC\ to the model.

A mapping element is an element that maps two or three elements through the use of tags. A mapping element is an instance of a new-term stereotype for which the Model::Stereotype::IsMappingElement property has been set to True.


  1. Right‑click the package in the model browser where you want to create and store your extended table layout and select Add New > ExtendedTableCapabilities > Extended Table Layout.
  2. In the browser, enter a name for this table design. You might want to include the word "layout" in the name to help identify your defined layouts from their generated views.
  3. Double-click the new layout in the browser to open its Features window.
  4. On the General tab, select the Mapping Table check box.
    Selecting this check box populates the Element Types tab with only those terms that can be mapped.
  5. On the Element Types tab, select one or more mapping elements to filter the data for your table.
  6. On the Columns tab, create a table design for your extended table layout. For more information, see Adding a new column to the table layout.
  7. Click OK.

What to do next

Create an extended table view for your extended table layout so that you can view the table.

Tip: To change an existing regular table layout to be an extended table layout, in the model browser, right-click the regular table layout and select Change to > Extended Table Layout.

Creating extended table views

After you have created one or more extended table layouts, you can generate an extended table view of the model element data based on your extended table layout design.


  1. Right‑click a package in the model browser to which you want to add an extended table view and select Add New > ExtendedTableCapabilities > Extended Table View.
  2. In the browser, right-click the new table view and select Features to open its Features window.
  3. Enter a name for the view.
  4. Select the name of a previously created extended table layout from the Layout list.
  5. Select the scope for this view from the Scope list.
  6. Clear or select the Include Descendants check box if you want to exclude or include the descendants for the selected scope. For more information, see Including and excluding descendants.
  7. Click Apply.

    For an extended table view for a mapping table, the Mapping Elements Scope section is enabled on the General tab with fields for you to select the scope for each of the mapped elements for the mapping element. The names of the fields are derived from the name of the tags that represent the mapped elements for the mapping element. Click OK after you have selected the mapping elements scope.


To see your extended table, in the model browser, double-click the extended table view. You can use the drop-down menu associated with each column heading to sort and filter the data in the column.