General Limitations
ATG is only available for Windows hosts, currently Linux isn't supported.
ATG will work only with Rhapsody in C++ Development Edition and System Designer
ATG currently supports only environments MSVC (Versions 2012 or 2017, IDEVersion VC11 or VC15) and Cygwin (g++ versions 5 to 10)
If a model is deeply nested in a folder hierarchy then ATG cannot generate test cases. This problem occurs due to a known Windows limitation regarding the supported length of path names (256 characters) which is not yet overcome by ATG. A workaround is to move the model to a location which is on a higher level in the folder hierarchy.
ATG parses and analyses the Rhapsody generated C++ simulation code in order to generate test cases. If the complete behavior is specified in the model, then ATG generates test cases. Note that Rhapsody users can also add libraries to the application when the application is linked in order to create an executable. Source code of linked libraries is usually not available. On the other hand, ATG requires the full source code for the analysis. Otherwise ATG cannot analyze the full behavior. This means, if some behavior is linked to the application under test with compiled libraries, then ATG cannot yet analyze the code and cannot generate test cases.
ATG will generate stub source code in order to provide default behavior for functions that are implemented in libraries. The stub code is used for actual test case generation. Users can modify and extend the stub code.
Please note that test case execution can clearly be done on the production code where libraries are linked to the class/component under test.
Limitations concernig Rhapsody Features
- FlowPorts
- ATG does currently not fully support FlowPorts under all circumstances.
- ProxyPorts
- SysML ProxyPorts aren't supported.
- not animated model elements in statecharts and activity diagrams
- ATG considers only model elements of statecharts and actvity diagrams as coverage goals, for which Rhapsody code generation generates animation notifications. See Limitations of Requirement Coverage Measurement.
- Stable States of the SUT
ATG generates inputs when the SUT reaches stable states. It might happen that an application does
not reach a next stable state, for instance due to a statechart that can always fire a new
transition. If an application never becomes idle, then ATG will not compute meaningful test
When executing generated test-cases using the Test Conductor plugin, sometimes the execution may get stuck in status ACTIVE without reporting a failure or having achieved 100% coverage of the test-case. In these cases interactively performing a step and continuing the execution will force Test Conductor to resume the test-case execution.
- Argument Types of Provided Messages
Provided messages are events, primitive operations, or triggered operations that class/component
under test provides to its environment (i.e. objects and components that interact with it). For
instance, if a class C provides an operation foo(int a, char b, double c), then other components can
invoke this operation on C with specific values for a, b, and c. ATG simulates such calls for test
case generation with appropriate values for a, b, and c.
The following Rhapsody predefined types for message arguments are supported:
- bool
- char
- char*
- double
- int
- long
- long double
- OMBoolean
- OMString
- RhpBoolean
- RhpCharacter
- RhpInteger
- RhpPositive
- RhpReal
- RhpString
- RhpUnlimitedNatural
- short
- unsigned char
- unsigned int
- unsigned long
- unsigned short
The following types are not supported:
- RhpAddress
- RhpVoid
- Void
- Void *
Also supported are typedefs that use these predefined types and enumeration types. Not supported are for instance arguments with pointer types, e.g. op(user_type *a). ATG cannot yet generate values for pointer arguments of provided messages.
This limitation also applies for user-defined enumeration types. Per default, Rhapsody represents operation arguments of user-defined enumeration types by references as arguments. Such references have to be treated as pointers by ATG, unless property CPP_CG::Type::In redefines the representation of such arguments. In general, if a Rhapsody type (model-view) turns into a reference- or pointer type at code-view, this type is unsupported to be used as message argument for a provided message. Additionally, ATG does in general not support structured types (class/struct/unions) to be used as argument-types of interface-functions (even, if structured objects are directly passed to the function, without an indirection by pointers or references).
Another limitation regarding types concerns empty-strings of type OMString, RhpString, and char*. Rhapsody's Sequence Diagrams are currently not capable of representing empty strings, i.e., even though ATG generates test-cases regarding empty-strings correctly, these test-cases cannot be executed successfully using TestConductor unless empty strings are replaced by non-empty strings.
Variables and constants of integer types (cf. section 2.9) are translated wrongly into ATG, if their value is outside of the range of signed 32-bit integer. In addition, ATG could only operate on signed 32-bit integer values. Therefore the compiler could be configured such that a warning-message is printed, if expressions exists which have these kind of types.Please note that these limitations apply only to messages that are provided to other components by the class/component under test. It is not an issue if pointer arguments are used inside a class/component under test.
For the ATG interface definition, a value of type ‘wchar_t’ or ‘char’ can only be specified by an integer constant, but not by a character constant of the form “L’<character>’” or “’<character>’”. A value of type ‘float’ can only be specified by a floating constant of type double, but not by a floating constant of type float (that is, the suffix ‘f’ or ‘F’ must be omitted).
- Active Objects
- Rhapsody ATG can handle models that use up to 10 active objects, i.e., classes with concurrency ‘active’. If more then 10 active objects are alive at once, the achieved coverage may be low.
- Rhapsody Properties
Rhapsody ATG uses own versions of the Rhapsody framework classes and functions. Additionally, the
ATG Rhapsody framework does not contain all classes and functions of the original Rhapsody
framework. Due to this approach, several values of project properties that influence the code that
is generated for a Rhapsody model are not supported by ATG. The following list contains some
restrictions concerning values of several Rhapsody properties:
- CPP_CG::Microsoft::EntryPoint must be set to "main" (the default-value)
- CG::Configuration::CodeGeneratorTools must be set to “internal” (default)
- CPP_CG::Configuration::ContainerSet must be set to “OMContainer” (default)
- CPP_CG::Microsoft::IsFileNameShort must be unchecked (default)
- CPP_CG::Microsoft::ImpExtension must be set to “.cpp” (default)
- CPP_CG::Microsoft::CompileSwitches may not be changed by the user
- CPP_CG:Class:AdditionalBaseClasses may not be used (default)
- CPP_CG::Configuration::DefaultSpecificationDirectory may not be changed (default)
- CPP_CG::Configuration::DefaultImplementationDirectory may not be changed (default)
- CPP_CG::Configuration::EmptyArgumentListName may not be changed (default)
- CPP_CG::Microsoft::SpecExtension may not be changed (default)
- CPP_CG::Statechart::StatechartStateOperations may not be changed (default)
- CPP_CG:Operation:ImplementationName may not be changed (default)
- CPP_CG::Class::SpecIncludes may only refer to files in the default spec directory
- CPP_CG::Class::ImpIncludes may only refer to files in the default implementation directory
- Template Classes
- Rhapsody Template Classes (that is, Rhapsody Classes of class type ‘Template’) are not supported.
C++ Construct Translation
Some C++ language constructs are not yet fully supported by ATG. In the sequel we list the known limitations and give some examples.
Not Supported C++ Constructs
For a subset of C++ language constructs ATG can not yet perform an appropriate translation for the sake of test case generation. If possible ATG applies an automatic abstraction (see section Abstraction Scenarios) and simplification such that the compilation continues. This section lists the known not supported C++ constructs, provides some examples, and explains what kind of error a user will see.
- Pointer to members
class C {public: int i;}; int C::* ip = &C::i;
No abnormal termination, instead various abstraction warnings possible.
- Type declarations within functions
int main() { class C {public: int i;}; /* an explicit type-declaration */ C c; enum E {e1, e2} e; /* a type-declaration embedded in another declaration */ return e+c.i; }
No abnormal termination if the type-declaration is not done in the main()-function (instead an abstraction-warning). Otherwise (a type declaration within the main()-function): Abnormal termination with error message "Error 224: Unsupported C++ construct (a suitable abstraction can not be applied)"
- asm()-statements
void f() {asm(";");}
No abnormal termination, instead an abstraction-warning.
- 'dynamic_cast' expression-operations
class C {public: virtual int f();}; class D : public C {public: int j;}; D* f () { C c; return dynamic_cast<D*>(&c);}
No abnormal termination, instead an abstraction-warning.
- Bit-fields
struct s { int i:2;} s1; void f() { s1.j = s1.j+1; }
No abnormal termination, instead an abstraction-warning.
- Ellipsis
void f(int a ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, a); char* c = va_arg(ap, char*); va_end(ap); }
No abnormal termination, instead an abstraction-warning.
- typeid()-expressions
#include <typeinfo> void f() { int i, j; if (typeid(i)==typeid(j)) i=0; }
No abnormal termination, instead an abstraction-warning.
- Delayed destruction of temporaries, if they are bound to a static or global reference
class C {public: int i; ~C() {i=0;};}; C f(); int j() {static C& cr=f();} /* The temporary returned by f has to be destructed delayed */
"Error 14: Unsupported C++ construct (a suitable abstraction can not be applied)"
- Member-operator functions '|', '|=' and '||'
class C {public: int j; void operator|(int i) {j=i;}; }; int f() {C c; c.operator|(1);};
Abstraction warning "ABSTRACTION 229: […] Unsupported operator in […]" is reported.
- Extern variables of class-type with an extern constructor
class C { public: C() {}; C(const C&); /* copy-ctor declared, not defined - that is: extern */ }; extern C c_var; /* extern variable of type C */
An ATG-compile error is reported.
Not Correctly Translated C++ Constructs
For a subset of C++ language constructs ATG can not yet perform a correct translation for the sake of test case generation. This section lists the known not correctly translated C++ constructs, provides some examples, and explains the wrong semantics.
- Class temporaries created under a conditional operator (“?”, “&&”, “||”) when they require destruction
class C {public: int i; ~C() {i=0;}; }; C f(); void g(int i) { int j; j = (i ? f().i : 1); /* the creation of a temporary variable for the result of f() depends on 'i' */ }
Wrong semantics
If a temporary variable, which was created under a conditional operator, would be destructed, a warning message is printed. The temporary variable is not destructed.
"No abnormal termination, instead an abstraction-warning"
- Same named (C-)static entities in different .cpp-files
// a.cpp: static int i = 1; // b.cpp: static int i = 2;
Wrong semantics
The compiler will print an error-message due to multiple definitions of 'i'.
- Casts of integral integer types, which change the value
short s = -1; unsigned int ui = (unsigned int)s; unsigned int ui2=INT_MAX; unsigned char uc=(unsigned char)ui2; /* value-change, if: UCHAR_MAX < INT_MAX */
Wrong semantics
All integer-variables are internally represented as a 32-bit value. Different integer-sizes are not taken into account and integer-casts do not change the value in ATG.
Wrongly Translated Language Constructs with Warnings
For a subset of C++ language constructs ATG can not yet perform a correct translation for the sake of test case generation, and generates a warning. This section lists the known not correctly translated C++ constructs, the warnings, provides some examples, and explains the wrong semantics.
- Initialization of virtual base class-parts
Virtual base classes are not fully supported in case of multiple inheritance (in 'diamond'-
form), if the virtual base class has defined constructors or destructors:
class A { public: A() {}; } class B : public virtual A { public: B() {}; } class C : public virtual A { public: C() {}; } class D : public A, public B {public: D() {}; }
Wrong semantics
The constructor of A is not called from the constructor of D, instead it is called from B and C (that is, it is called twice). The same wrong semantics exists for destructors.
Warning message
A warning message “Object to be initialized is a virtual base class, not correctly implemented yet (the con-/destructor of a virtual base class is possibly called more than once)” is generated. This message is also printed for initializations of virtual base classes, if no 'diamond'-form exists (that is, if it does not result in wrong behavior).
- Types ‘unsigned int’, 'unsigned long', 'long long', and 'unsigned long long'
Constants of these types are translated wrongly into ATG, if the value is outside of the range of
signed 32-bit integer. In addition, ATG could only operate on signed 32-bit integer values.
unsigned long i = ULONG_MAX; /* 0xffffffffUL */
Wrong semantics
The representation is truncated to 32-bit (if the previous representation has more bits) and after that the representation is interpreted as 32-bit signed integer.
Warning message
A warning message “Possible truncation from <type> to long” is generated, where <type> is ‘unsigned int’, 'unsigned long', 'long long' or 'unsigned long long' respectively. This warning- message is printed, if constants of these types occur.
- Types 'double' and 'long double'
Constants of these types are translated wrong into ATG, if the corresponding value can not be
represented in the float-range.
double d = DBL_MAX;
Wrong semantics
The value is changed corresponding to a cast-operation from 'double' respectively 'long double' to 'float' (the semantics of the cast corresponds to the semantics defined by the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003-compiler).
Warning message
A warning message “Possible truncation from <type> to float” is generated, where <type> is 'double' or 'long double' respectively.
Other Compilation Issues
- Exceptions
- Currently there is no full compilation support for exceptions. A workaround for this restriction was implemented, which allows exception-code at compile-time. If an exception occurs at run-time, ATG will not execute the exception handler and will continue with the test case generation.
- Union-types
- The 'overlapping'-semantics of unions is currently not supported by ATG. A workaround for this restriction was implemented to translate unions with struct-semantics.
- Floating-point constants
- The representation of floating-point constants is in general not correct (Floating-point constants are represented without the use of the exponent-'E'-syntax, in particular the representation is corresponding to the print()-formatstring '%-.10f'. That means for example that floating-point constants loose the part of the mantissa, which is (as an absolute value) less than 1E-10).
- Abstraction Scenarios
This section describes the scenarios in which ATG applies automatic abstractions in order to
generate test cases.
Scenario: a variable is initialized with an expression and the expression contains a not supported C++ construct.
Abstraction: the variable will not be initialized.
Scenario: an expression statement contains a not supported C++ construct.
Abstraction: the expression statement will be ignored.
Scenario: an if-/while-/do-wile-/for-expression contains a not supported C++ construct.
Abstraction: the expression will be non-deterministically chosen to be either true or false.
Scenario: the initialization of a constructor contains a not supported C++ construct.
Abstraction: the respective class element will not be initialized or all elements contained in the initialization of a constructor will not be initialized.
Scenario: the call of a constructor for a temporary variable contains a not supported C++ construct, and the temporary variable defines the value of a return-statement.
Abstraction: the constructor will not be called.
Scenario: an expression which defines the value of a return-statement contains a not supported C++ construct.
Abstraction: a NULL value will be returned.
Scenario: an expression which initializes a for-loop contains a not supported C++ construct.
Abstraction: the relevant statement will be ignored.
Scenario: an increment-statement of a for-loop contains a not supported C++ construct.
Abstraction: the relevant statement will be ignored.
Scenario: an switch-expression contains a not supported C++ construct.
Abstraction: the expression will be non-deterministically chosen from the interval [min, max]. ‘min’ is the smallest value of the switch-case-constants. ‘max’ is the largest value of the switch-case-constants.
Scenario: a switch-case constant depends on a not supported C++ construct.
Abstraction: the relevant switch-case block will be ignored.
Scenario: a call to a function with a variable number of parameters.
Abstraction: the call will be ignored.
Scenario: a call to a function which contains a type declaration in its body.
Abstraction: the call will be ignored.