Defining tags
You can use tags to add information to model elements to reflect characteristics of a specific domain or platform. The Features window for the various model element types contains a tab that lists the tags that were defined. You can define tags for a stereotype, for a specific metaclass, or for an individual model element.
Defining tags for a stereotype
If you define a tag for a stereotype, the tag will be available for any model element that has that stereotype applied to it.
Defining a tag for a metaclass
You can define a tag for a metaclass, and then that tag will be available for any model element of that type. For example, you can define a tag that will be available for any class in the model. To define a tag for a metaclass, you must add the tag to a profile.
Defining a tag for an individual element
In some situations, you may want to define a tag to specify information for only a single element in the model.
Defining a tag with multiple values
About this task
The General tab of the Features window for tags includes a Multiplicity field, which allows you to define a tag that can take more than one value. This can be especially useful when you set the type of a tag to be a type of model element. You can then set the value of a specific instance of the tag to point to a number of different model elements.
Using strings from AUTOSAR standard for tag values
About this task
Modifying tag order in browser and Features window
By default, tags are displayed alphabetically in the model browser. You also have the option of modifying the display order that is used for tags in the browser. In the Features window, you can choose to have tags display alphabetically or in the order you specified in the browser.