Creating a shortcut for Rhapsody Developer for C

About this task

In Rhapsody® Developer for C, you can use the following shortcut in place of Steps 2-7 of the section Using the component model in External elements created by modeling.


  1. Create a hierarchy of packages as needed for the proper #include path.

    For example, suppose you want reference class C, which is defined in C:\MyProjects\Project1\MySubsystem\C.h; you would create the package MySubsystem.

  2. Set the CG::Package::UseAsExternal property for the top-most package to Checked.
  3. Create the appropriate files (for more information, see Creating files). Continuing the example, you would simply create the file C.
  4. Create an element to be referenced in the file.
  5. Add the rest of the path to the Include Path field of the component. In the example, this would be C:\MyProjects\Project1.
  6. Set the C_CG::Package::GenerateDirectory property to Checked for the component.