Eclipse workbench properties

To define the configuration and environment for the IDE project, the following Rhapsody® properties are available in the Configuring Rhapsody for Eclipse:

Table 1. IDE properties
Subject Metaclass Property Name Default Value Description
Eclipse Configuration InvokeExecutable $executable Points to the executable. Keywords:$executable - the IDE executable as read from Rhapsody.ini
Eclipse Configuration InvokeParameters -data $workspace -vmargs -DRhpClientPort=$RhpClientPort -DRhpServerPort=$RhpServerPort Parameters for the command line.


$workspace as specified in the Rhapsody tags for the Eclipse configuration.

$RhpClientPort: the port number that Rhapsody uses to be a client to Eclipse, as specified using Rhapsody menu Code > IDE options.

$RhpServerPort: the port number thatRhapsody uses to be a server to Eclipse

Eclipse DefaultEnvironments Eclipse Cygwin The default environment in the settings tab for generic Eclipse (CDT) projects
Eclipse DefaultEnvironments WorkbenchKernel WorkbenchManaged_DKM The default environment in the settings tab for generic Eclipse (CDT) projects
Eclipse DefaultEnvironments WorkbenchRTP WorkbenchManaged_RTP The default environment in the settings tab for generic Eclipse (CDT) projects