MergeLog preferences category

The following table lists the possible settings and their default values.

The MergeLog preferences category enables you to control the appearance of the Viewing the merge activity log and Producing merge reports of the results from a merge operation. To learn how to change preferences, see Changing preferences.

For explanations of the keywords in the Default value column, see Keywords for preferences

Table 1. MergeLog preferences
Preference name Description Default value
AllLeftItemMerge Specifies all the items from the left side to add to the merge. $elemtype "$elemtype": All items from left added to merge
AllRightItemMerge Specifies all the items from the right side to add to the merge. $elemtype "$elemtype": All items from right added to merge
ExcludeFromMerge Specifies to not include the model elements in the merge. $elemtype "$elemname" removed from merge
GraphicalMerge Specifies that a statechart or activity diagram was graphically merged. $elemtype of "$parenttype $parentname" merged graphically
IncludeInMerge Specifies the model element to add to the merge. $elemtype "$elemname" added to merge
ItemMerge Specifies that the item has been merged. $elemtype "$elemname": Item "$itemname" merged
LeftItemMerge Specifies that the item from the left was added to the merge. $elemtype "$elemtype": Item "$itemname" from left added to merge
LeftMerge Specifies that the model elements from the left were added to the merge. $elemtype "$elemname" from left added to merge.
MergeToRhapsody Specifies that the current merge has been added to Rhapsody . $elemtype "$elemname" merged with Rhapsody
RepDecidedAuto Specifies the string indicating the automatically resolved element. automatically
RepDecidedMan Specifies the string indicating the manually resolved element. manually
RepElemExcluded Specifies that the model element is excluded from merge. - $elemtype $elemname excluded from merge $decided
RepElemIncluded Specifies that the model element is included into merge. + $elemtype $elemname included into merge $side $decided
RepElemMerged Specifies that the model element existing on both sides is merged. * $elemtype $elemname merged $decided
RepElemTakenFrom Specifies that the model element existing on both sides is included into merge from particular side. * $elemtype $elemname added into merge $side $decided
RepElemUndecided Specifies that the model element existing on both sides is still undecided. # $elemtype $elemname is undecided
RepFooter Specifies the footer of the merge report.  
RepHeader Specifies the header of the merge report. === Reporting merging decisions for $elemtype $elemname ===
RepItemDecided Specifies that the item (the attribute) is manually included into merge from particular side whereas its model element is taken into merge from the other side. : Attribute \"$itemname\" added into merge $side manually
RepItemMerged Specifies that merged value of the item (the attribute) is manually edited by user. : Attribute \"$itemname\" merged manually
RepSideLeft Specifies the string indicating the left side of comparison. from the left
RepSideRight Specifies the string indicating the right side of comparison. from the right
RightItemMerge Specifies that the item from the right was added to the merge $elemtype "$elemtype": Item "$itemname" from right added to merge
RightMerge Specifies that the model elements from the left were added to the merge. $elemtype "$elemname" from right added to merge
SaveMerge Specifies that the merge has been saved. Saved merged $elemtype "$elemname" to $filename
StartMerge Specifies that the merge has started. Started merge for $elemtype "$elemname"