Adding flows

You can draw control flows between actions, or between actions and nodes.

About this task

You can draw the initial flow that points to the state that the object, use case, or operation enters when the activity starts. The initial flow is the execution starting point. The initial flow points to the state that the object, use case, or operation enters when the activity starts. You can also add a flow final to a SysML activity diagram to terminate a sequence of actions without stopping an activity.

The object flows are used to connect action nodes, activity parameters, action pins and object nodes together to define the sequence of flow of information or physical items in an activity.

To add input or output parameters to the action, see Adding Action Pins to activity diagrams.


  1. Click the Initial Flow button ControlFlow button on the Diagram Tools.
  2. Click in the diagram outside the default state, and drag the cursor to the edge of the default state of the activity. Release the mouse button to have the flow appear on the diagram.
  3. For a control flow, click the ControlFlow button ControlFlow button.
  4. Click the first action or node and draw the control flow arrow to the second action or node.

    You cannot name the control flow, but you can assign a guard, if required.

  5. For an object flow, click the ObjectFlow buttonControlFlow button, and select the elements you want to connect. A green flow line is drawn. Type in a label for the connection as needed.
  6. Click the Flow Final buttonFlow Final button, and select in the activity diagram where the flow final terminates a sequence of activities.
    Note: You can display the Features window for the flow final to select a type of stereotype on the General tab.