ATG Main Dialog

ATG main dialog

When calling 'Apply ATG' on a TestContext, ATG first checks whether there already exists an appropriate ATGComponent and ATGConfiguration for the CG configuration to which the TestContext refers. If ATGComponent and ATGConfiguration do not already exist, they are created by ATG. Interface definitions and coverage criteria are initialized to default settings. The default is model element coverage of the SUT by invoking all public operations of the SUT. Some test case export related settings are also initialized to their defaults. In the tutorial model, no ATG data are present before first invokation of ATG.

The ATG main dialog consists of two areas:

  1. a browser part with a tree based view of information items such as ATG Components and ATG configurations. In the browser, also coverage information of model elements will be sorted below the ATG component after generating test cases.
  2. an information area for detailed information about the selected browser element and definitions regarding the element. The information area has (up to) three different tabs:
    • General


      in the General tab general information about the selected browser element is displayed

    • Interface Definition


      For each ATGConfiguration an interface has to be defined, i.e. which operations or receptions will be used as inputs for test case generation and which operations or receptions will be recorded in the generated test cases. Since an ATGComponent can have multiple ATGConfigurations, the interface definition can be predefined for the ATGComponent and then be refined for the individual ATGConfiguration.

    • Coverage Definition


      (only for ATGConfiguration): Definition of the coverage criteria for which test case generation will be performed:
      • Per default, coverage criterion is set to 'Model Element Coverage'. For all classes, for which the check-box in the list of classes is checked, ATG tries to cover all model elements.
      • If check-box 'Model Code Coverage' is checked, ATG also measures the model code coverage of the classes in the list for which the respective check-box is checked.
      • Per default the coverage criteria are evaluated w.r.t. the respective class (radiobutton 'Test Classes' vs. 'Test Specific Instances'). If 'Test Specific Instances' is chosen instead of 'Test Classes', a string specifying the individual instances to be covered, has to be entered by the user (default '*').