Specifying a default diagram

You can specify a default diagram that you want to open in a project.

Before you begin

You must disable the General::Workspace::OpenWindowsWhenLoadingProject property before you begin this task.

About this task

You can have Rhapsody® open a specific diagram by default each time you start the product and open a project. The .rpw file stores information on diagrams that have been opened in previous sessions. Those diagrams are restored at your next session. You can, however, use a stereotype assigned to the project with a tag named DefaultDiagram that references a diagram of your choice.


  1. Right-click the project and select Features, then select the General tab.
  2. In the Stereotype drop down field, select New, then name the new stereotype (DefaultDiagramProject, for example).
  3. In the Applicable to drop down field, select Project.
  4. On the Tags tab, add a tag for the stereotype. Name the tag DefaultDiagram.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save the project.
  7. In the project browser, expand the new stereotype.
  8. Right-click the new tag and select Features
  9. In the Type drop down field, select the type of diagram you want to open.
  10. In the Value drop down field, select an available diagram from the list.
  11. Click OK.