Specifying the type of a DDS element
For DDS elements, such as attributes of a topicStruct, the drop-down list of types consists of the primitive types from the type system that is defined in the Extensible and Dynamic Topic Types for DDS specification (also knows as XTypes).
If you are unfamiliar with XTypes, look at the information on IDL primitive type mapping
contained in the Extensible and Dynamic Topic Types for DDS specification that is
available at http://www.omg.org/spec/DDS-XTypes/1.1/PDF).
If you would still like to use the standard Rhapsody® types, such as long, click Select in the drop-down list and then locate the relevant type in the PredefinedTypesCpp package.
Using the String type
If you select String as the type of a DDS element, it is by default an unlimited string that uses 8-bit characters.
If you want the String to be generated
as a wstring
in the IDL code, change the value of
the DDS::Type::StringType property to char32.
If you want to limit the size of the string, enter a value for the DDS::Type::StringMaximumSize property. For example, if you enter 16 for the value of the StringMaximumSize property, the code that is generated in the IDL file will resemble the following code:
struct Person {
//// Attributes ////
string<16> name; //## attribute name