Lesson 2: Create a ddsDiagram diagram

Create a ddsDiagram diagram for your Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (DDS) application. You use a ddsDiagram diagram to add DDS terms from the DDS profile. A ddsDiagram diagram is a type of object model diagram.


  1. In the Packages category, create a package and name it TopicsPkg.
  2. For this package, create a ddsDiagram diagram:
    1. On the Diagrams toolbar, click the ddsDiagram icon ddsDiagram icon to open the Open ddsDiagram window
    2. Select the TopicsPkg package and click the New button to open the New Diagram window
    3. Name the diagram TopicDiagram and click OK


The following figure of the browser shows how your TopicsPkg package looks like at this point.
TopicsPkg package

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you learned how to create a ddsDiagram diagram.

In the next lesson, you will create a topicStruct and add the key attribute.