Deleting old objects before building applications

In some cases, it is possible for the linker to link an application using old objects. You can clean out old objects before you build your applications.

About this task

To clean out old objects, use one of the following methods:

  • Use the Code > Clean command to delete all compiled object files for the current configuration.
  • Use the Code > Rebuild command every time, which might be time‑consuming for complex systems.
  • Modify the start of make within etc/msmake.bat and remove the /I option. Doing this will stop the build after the first source with errors.
  • Within the site.prp file, change the CPPCompileCommand property from String to MultiLine, and change the content so that before a file is compiled, the existing .obj file is deleted.

    For example:
    CPPCompileCommand Property
    Metaclass Microsoft:
    Property CPPCompileCommand MultiLine
    "   if exist $OMFileObjPath erase $OMFileObjPath
       $(CPP) $OMFileCPPCompileSwitches
       /Fo\"$OMFileObjPath\" \"$OMFileImpPath\" "
    Metaclass VxWorks:
    Property CPPCompileCommand MultiLine
    "   @echo Compiling $OMFileImpPath
       @$(RM) $OMFileObjPath
       @$(CXX) $(C++FLAGS) $OMFileCPPCompileSwitches -o
       $OMFileObjPath $OMFileImpPath"