
Basic requirement specification defining the calculator to be implemented and tested.

Basic Requirements

For this tutorial we will consider a very small example case study. We assume that some company wants to implement a calculator that computes the basic arithmetic operations +, -, *, and / for two integer values and stores the result of the operation in an internal result-register. The two integer values are stored in internal registers.

During the first analysis and specifiation phases, the company will formulate a set of requirements to which the specification as well as the later implementation will have to adhere. These requirements will also be provided to the quality assurance team in order to prepare for testing the product, before the product will be produced and shipped.

Note: The requirements are presented here only for documentation purposes. In a real development process, the requirements will often be organized in a more hierarchical manner, or will adhere to domain specific regulations. This tutorial does not aim at presenting a perfect development process. Hence, the requirements are not necessarily atomic, not necessarily complete, and not necessarily 'design-free'.

Informally, the company will expect the product to do the right things. All operations shall be computed according to their mathematical meaning, i.e. e.g.:

  • values are of integer domain
  • values are either zero, positive, or negative
  • adding a negative value to a positive value means subtraction
  • '-' * '-' has to result in positive values,
  • division by zero has to be treated as an error,
  • a - a = 0
  • e.t.c.

In order to specify the quality criteria for the product, they finally come up with a set of requirements.

Suppose that for building the calculator implementation, the following requirements have been formulated:

Functional Requirements

Addition of two integer values shall result in an integer result, according to the rules of addition regarding signed integers.
Subtraction of two integer values shall result in an integer result, according to the rules of subtraction regarding signed integers. Subtraction shall always subtract the operand in register 2 from the operand in register 1.
Multiplication of two integer values shall result in an integer result, according to the rules of multiplication regarding signed integers.
Division of two integer values shall result in an integer result, according to the rules of division regarding signed integers. Division by zero shall be handled. Division will always divide the first operand (in register 1) by the second operand (in register 2).
Division by zero
It is an unrecoverable error if operand register 2 is 0
A reset operation shall leave the unrecoverable error state and reenable the calculator for inputs.

Non-functional Requirements

The calculator has three registers: two operand registers (1, 2) and a result register. All three registers are designed to keep integer values.
All input errors, i.e. illegal register-numbers and undefined operators must be handled by environment in which the implementation is instantiated. The calculator will only deal with 0-divisor.
Operations domain
The operations implemented by the calculator: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division without fractions (integer division) are integer operations, i.e. they shall accept signed integers as arguments and shall produce signed integers as results.
Overflows, i.e. domain overruns, shall not be considered.
Operation errors
It shall be treated as an unrecoverable error (requires a calculator reset) if operation is none of the values below when invoking computation
  • 1 = +
  • 2 = *
  • 3 = -
  • 4 = /
It shall also be treated as an unrecoverable error (requires a calculator reset) if the divisor - operand in register 2 - is 0 when computing division

Requirements in the Rhapsody project

The requirements are part of the specification model and can be found in the tutorial model in package RequirementsPkg

Note: Rhapsody supports referring graphically to requirements in statecharts. You can drag and drop the indicidual requirements into the statechart diagram and let the statechart element depend on requirements (using e.g. a <<trace>> dependency) and then anchor the requirement on the individual statechart element. In this tutorial the requirements are unreferenced in the model.