Tracer messages

The following table lists the possible tracer messages for each subject.

Table 1. Possible tracer messages for each subject
Subject Messages
Attributes XXX[1] Attribute Values:
J = 1
k = 3.4
b = 0x55f00b
myFoo = testA[12]

XXX[1] Attribute Values changed - new Values
J = 1
k = 3.5
b = 0x55f00b
myFoo = testA[12]

The following message can appear anywhere a piece of code has changed the values of the attributes:

XXX[1] Entered state testA
XXX[1] Exited state Kuku

All attribute values are displayed.

The sending and receiving of events by XXX[1] is determined by the interest list of state or operations.

Constructors XXX[1] invoked YYY()

main() invoked YYY()
YYY() returned

Destructors XXX[1] invoked ~YYY()

main() invoked ~YYY()
~YYY() returned

Existence class XXX new instance XXX[1] created

instance XXX[1] deleted

Instances get their names from their class (X[1], X[2], and so on). Names are unique. Once a name is used, it is not used by a new instance even if the original instance no longer exists.

Instances with a No for existence are not traced for any other subject, and appear in the tracer messages as untraced.

Instance Kuku[4] renamed testA[2].myKuku

This message displays only when Kuku[4] is connected through the composite relation myKuku to testA[2].

Methods XXX[1] invoked YYY[2]->doIt(j=3, k = 4.3)

XXX[1] invoked YYY[2]->doIt(int, float)

main() invoked Kuku[1]->testA()
YYY[2]->doIt(j=3, k=4.3) returned

YYY[2]->doIt(int, float) returned
XXX[2] sent YYY[8] event start(
starter = Kuku[8], times = 2)

XXX[2] sent YYY[8] event start(Kuku *, int)

Kuku[8] sent to itself Event

Kuku[8] sent to itself event tm(200)
at ROOT.testA
YYY[8] received from XXX[2] event
start(starter = Kuku[8], times = 2)

YY[8] sent XXX[2] event start(Kuku *, int)

Kuku[8] itself Event wakeup(time=10.5)

Kuku[8] received from itself event tm(200)
at ROOT.testA

Parameters These messages indicate whether methods and events are displayed through their:
  • Parameters

For example:

(doIt(j=3, k = 4.3),
start(starter = Kuku[8], times = 2)

  • Signature

For example:

(doIt(int, float), start(Kuku *, int))

When A sends something to B, the parameters in the send message depend on A and the parameters in the receive message depend on B.

Relations A report on the status of all relations displays together with the notification message on the creation of the new instance:

Relation itsFoo - Empty
Relation itsKuku - Kuku[1], Kuku[4], Kuku[2]
XXX[1] instance Kuku[7] added to relation

XXX[1] relation itsFoo set to testA[2]
XXX[1] instance Kuku[7] removed from
relation itsKuku
XXX[1] relation itsKuku cleared

Timeouts XXX[1] set tm(tttt) at ROOT.sss

XXX[1] cancelled tm(tttt) at ROOT.sss