Create a ruleset to launch the Java template
In previous step, we created a text template expecting a UML Class parameter to generate a Java source file. Now we want to iterate on all classes of a UML model and generate the Java source file for each of these classes. This is done using a ruleset.
A ruleset is a group of logically interdependent rules, where a rule defines a set of procedural expressions that query or update model elements.
To create a ruleset:
- Click File > New > Rule Set.
- Type JavaGeneration/src in the Source folder field.
- Type in the Package field.
- Type JavaGeneration in the Name field.
- Select Call a text template in the Available patterns section.
- Click Next.
- Type in the Text template field, on second page.
- Click Finish.
- A file JavaGeneration.mqr is created in the folder
JavaGeneration/src/tutorial/java and is opened in an editor.
package; public ruleset JavaGeneration(in model : rhapsody) { public rule main() { foreach (class : rhapsody.Class in model.getInstances("Class")) { $JavaSource(class); } } }
Here is the behavior of this ruleset:
- Expects an input IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody - Developer model (the direction in tells RulesComposer the model parameter is expected to be read from IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody - Developer.
- Retrieves the list of instances of the type Class in the input IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody - Developer project, using model.getInstances("Class").
- Iterates on this instance list using foreach and the loop variable class of type IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody - Developer Class.
- Calls the text template JavaSource with the class variable as argument ('$' is the notation used to call a text template). The referenced template is evaluated and the generated contents is written on disk.