«CORBAException» stereotype
The «CORBAException»
is applied to classes. It indicates that the class is mapped
during code generation to an IDL exception. CORBA IDL exceptions can
be defined within the scope of a «CORBAInterface»
a CORBA module. CORBA exceptions cannot have a global scope.
CORBA IDL exceptions can have attributes, but not
operations. Any operations found in a «CORBAException»
are ignored during code generation.
CORBA IDL exceptions cannot inherit from other CORBA IDL exceptions.
Mapping «CORBAExceptions» to code
A «CORBAException»
stereotyped class is not generated in its own file. Instead,
it is generated into the file of the encapsulating entity - the class or package in which it is
defined. Therefore, a «CORBAException»
defined in a class can be "thrown" by any of
its operations. An exception that is defined in a CORBA module can be thrown by any operation in any
class within that module.
To make your design clear, you draw a «Usage»
arrow from a class to an exception
that it throws.