Local termination code with the reusable statechart implementation

The following sections describe how code is generated to support local termination when you use the reusable statechart implementation.

Code is generated for local termination of Or states with the reusable statechart implementation as follows:

  • For each final activity, a Concept class data member of type FinalState is generated. A new class is not created as for other state types.
  • The following local termination guard is added to each outgoing null transition from an Or state that needs local termination semantics:
       && IS_COMPLETED(state)
  • If an Or state has several final activities, an outgoing null transition is activated when any one of them is reached. However, the specific connector is instrumented.
  • The isCompleted() function is overridden for an Or state that has a final activity, returning True when the final activity is reached. The function is also overridden for an Or state without a final activity in activity diagram mode, always returning False.
  • An instance of a FinalState is created by a line similar to the following example:
       FinalA = new FinalState(this, OrState, rootState,

Code is generated for local termination of And states with the reusable statechart implementation as follows:

  • The following local termination guard is added to each outgoing null transition from an And state if one of the components has a final activity:
          && IS_COMPLETED(AndState)

    In this case, the isCompleted() function of the AndState framework class is called.

  • The following local termination guard is added to a join transition for each Or state that is a source of the transition:
          && IS_COMPLETED(state)
  • If a source state of a join transition is a simple state (leaf state), its guard is as follows:

The following example shows the code generated for a join transition with a real guard and local termination guards, where C1 and C2 are Or states with final activities and C3 is a leaf state:

if(RealGuard() && IS_COMPLETED(C1) && IS_COMPLETED(C2) && IS_IN(C3))