Adding RIMB interfaces

You can use four kinds of Rhapsody® implementation block (RIMB) interfaces for typing Rhapsody implementation block ports.

About this task

One Rhapsody implementation block interface exists for each kind of Rhapsody implementation block port:
  • RIMBReceiverPorts interfaces type receiver ports
  • RIMBSenderPorts interfaces type sender ports
  • RIMBClientPorts interfaces type client ports
  • RIMBServerPorts interfaces type server ports

Typically, you create implementation block interfaces before you create implementation block ports because each port must be typed by one interface. When you create a port, you must enter the pre-existing interface.


  1. In your AR3x_BMT project, right-click a package and select Add New > AR3x_BMT > <interface type>. For example, Add New > AR3x_BMT > RIMBClientInterface.
  2. Double-click the interface that you just added. In the Features window, define the characteristics of the interface.
    RIMB ports are designed to be connected to AUTOSAR ports via delegation connectors. There are four kinds of RIMB ports which correspond directly to the four kinds of AUTOSAR ports:
    • RIMB receiver ports – designed to connect to AR receiver ports
    • RIMB sender ports – designed to connect to AR sender ports
    • RIMB client ports – designed to connect to AR client ports
    • RIMB server ports – designed to connect to AR server ports

    Ports can be added to RIMBs by dragging the appropriate icon in the RIMB diagram, or via “add new” under a RIMB. Each RIMB port must be typed by one RIMB interface. To type a RIMB port go to its Features window and enter the preexisting interface you want in the “contract” or “type” field of the General tab. The kind of interface must match the kind of port.